Some people think that we do not really need religions since they are responsible for spreading ignorance and superstitious beliefs, and for murdering millions in the name of God. Others claim that there is no morality without the religion and besides, many people feel lost and scared in such a big world. Which view do you agree with?

We believe that there is no morality without religion.
Most religions inculcate their followers love to a God and his partners.

In addition, this faith makes people believe in a better future and in themselves.

Sandra Bibiana Betancur

I think that humanity needs to believe, direct its intentions, be inhibited of bad actions, is always the primordial and one of the ways is through religion, because most focus on good principles, obviously, there are meanings since there are groups that Use their followers as a ritual sacrifice of an offering in honor of the deity, particularly when the offering is about human life. The mind of the people is manipulated in such a way that the followers commit suicide for religious reasons. In recent years, the practices of immolation have also increased as a form of political protest.

But in a general way, in most religions, regardless of the God in which it is created, they seek to guide humanity on a fair, sincere, respectful, suffering path for others, to dialogue in a cordial way and to be fearful of doing the wrong.

Nilson Vicente Calderón Torres

I think that all humanity needs religion because it is a good way to offer ethical and moral values, to avoid some problems, to follow rules and laws, for example; In other countries religions use it as an excuse and believe that all religions are respectful, but some ideas are not compatible with reality. Others use religion to deceive all mankind.
Sometimes religions serve us to learn the truth.

Those who use God to deceive are evil, and false doctrines are a big problem.

Christians and Catholics, we think and know that the most important thing is a good teaching, therefore this situation is disturbing, because it is far from the truth, humanity needs to know the true, to make a good decision, ignorance, in these Religions is to do for example what Muslims do, radical people who make a decision by killing the people under the pretext of getting the sky. If they comply with the regulations, the laws are subject to their orders and while others only think of Mutilate leading to destruction and death, teach children to kill people while others are more committed to their religion, the problem is serious because there is much controversy.

Religions as Christians and Catholics only focus on God, this is the right thing without the need for violence.

Adriana Camargo


Nowadays we have a million of belief around the world, for example: the Buddhist, which is based in Buda’s belief, he believed in the reincarnation and it not has a determinate God; today we ask if the Buddhist is a religion or a philosophy or talk therapy. Really, we don´t know all about the Buddhist.

Other religion that we have is the Christianity, Is based on the holy bible that was write by the disciples of Jesus, God´s son, but the Christianity don´t believe in the Virgin Mary and in any saint either, they are very devotees to God, and they are very united.

Other religion what is the most followed in the world is the Catholicism, is very similar to Christianity with some differences, for example the Catholicism believe in the Virgin Mary and in the saints too, they have priest and apostle whereas the Christianity has shepherds

But the religions have separated the humanity classifying us according to the belief, making groups of equal minds that make us follow other thinking totally different to us, practically, the religions mold our brains, but, we are free to believe what we believe is the correct, we can believe in a god, or in a leader person, just like Mandela or Buda or Platón or somebody who changed the way we think.

Carolina Pabón Molina

Taking as reference the concepts given I compare the first of them since many individuals disapprove and criticize the religion because they do not share the way in which some groups practice it since they live it in extreme and wrong way with what they cause damage to others for not sharing Their ideals and their way of living the religion but with this also affect many others who also comply with the norms and live their beliefs correctly.

This situation does not suffer because in history it has been seen that religion has had different stages of transformation and evolution that in many cases have not been correct originated a rejection of different religions.

Francia Pascuas Camacho

Humanity has always been characterized by believing in a higher being and giving faith to him, in spite of the freedom of creed that is professed, there are zones in which by culture imposes a specific religion or of tradition and these beliefs are passed on from generation to generation.

It is known that there are more than twenty religions worldwide, among which are highlighting Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. Each has its own characteristics and follows its own doctrine and some worship a specific God to whom they give thanks, sacrifices or simply grant the powers of nature.

Definitely religion has a great power over humanity. In the name of religion good and bad things have been done. There are people who take advantage of this faith for their own benefit. And is that what people who proclaim themselves closer to the divine they look so powerful and we see them so powerful, which can easily manipulate their followers, make their own interpretations of the sacred books some to become wealthy and others to commit acts against humanity itself, backed up in its religious doctrine.

I believe good conduct in faith, is conditioned to fear to the punishment, that’s why people want to be good at avoiding condemnation, for them or their children, whether in this life, in reincarnation or after death.
