Personal presentation

I am Francia Pascuas Camacho.
I am 42 years old.
I live in Bogotá and neighborhood Santa Lucia.
I live with my husband and two children.
Currently I work as a procurement analyst in a clinic.
I am a student in Health Administration.
I like to watch movies, listen to music and dance.

I like typical food.

Talk about activities you used to do when you were a child.

I remember when we were little, my older brother and I wanted the holidays because we were going to visit our uncles to Neiva.

We were leaving at a service called Green Taxis and a guy picked us up at Central Park and took us to the house. It was a big house, there the coffee was dried on the terrace and they had a corral with many pigs. I did not like to give them food because I saw the pigs' bites on my brother's pants.

It was fun to go on a mid-year vacation because it was the St. Peter's Day party. I liked to see the costumes and the dances, but we were always full of flour.

We also went to the river, to swimming pool with slides and hot springs. We always had a great time on vacation.

Other holidays that were also very fun was when we went to Boyacá where my granny. To this walk if we went with my dad and my mom. There was another environment, field, sometimes we helped in the crops, planting or removing weeds, milking and lead to graze the cows.
I liked that my grandmother made me arepas, cakes, wrapped and marshmallows with cheese.
